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Some of our realized projects

Slovenské elektrárne, a.s.

Electrical energy provider, Slovakia

The biggest electrical power provider in Slovakia wanted to upgrade older versions of their software that was used by their employees. Apart from saving on costs, their data continues to be protected with regular security updates and their productivity can increase!

Savings: 72%

Nemocnica Poprad

Hospital, Slovakia

The main hospital in Poprad needed to buy newer versions of Microsoft Office products for their employees. Our offer (which was chosen in a public tender) allowed the hospital to get software products at an 80% lower price than if they bought new ones! The saved assets can now be used for a highly needed equipment in favour of both patients and doctors.

Savings: 80%

Město Příbram

City, Czech Republic

The city of Příbram needed to upgrade its server software for their internal communication. By purchasing products from us, they saved more than 15 000 €, which, to give you an idea, corresponds to the amount they will spend on repairing their landmark – the granite fountain.

Savings: 15 000 €

Újpest Budapest

District of the city of Budapest, Hungary

Savings: 73%

Case study

Budapest municipality bought software 73% cheaper thanks to Forscope

The Budapest district of Újpest bought used software from us and saved over 100 000 euros, which they can now use for other important expenses.

Újpest Town Hall was struggling with outdated software. Therefore, in 2021, it issued a tender for the supply of Office 2016 Home and Business, Windows 10 Pro, and for the upgrade of server software. Specifically, this involved Windows Server, Exchange Server and SQL Server and their respective CALs. We were also invited to participate in the tender.

A suitable product will save hundreds of hours of work

One of the products the town hall required was Office 2016 Home and Business. This edition is designed for home, or small business users and each product has its own activation key. An IT specialist would have had to go round all offices and manually install Office on all 200 computers. This would take weeks.

For businesses and institutions, Office 2016 Professional Plus – an edition from the Microsoft Volume distribution channel – is much more suitable. The technician only needs a single activation key and uses it to get the software running on all computers at the same time from his interface.

The municipality was aware that Volume products are better suited for their needs, however, they haven’t realized that the Office 2016 Home and Business that was included in their specification, is only available as a retail product. Once our Sales Manager Imre Csordás, who was responsible for this tender, notified them about this, they took it into consideration when assessing offers from all participants.

Beware the shady sellers

Apart from us, there were 4 other companies participating in the tender. Three of them offered new, but very costly, software products (their price was four times more expensive than used software!). One competitor offered significantly cheaper software, but even when taking into consideration their proposal consisted of used products, the price was still way too low. This raised our concern.

“Unfortunately, it is not rare to run into unreliable sellers on the used software market. They usually offer very cheap products, but without providing a full legal documentation, which can cause big problems to the buyer in the future. One of them is risking a huge fine during a software audit,” says Imre Csordás, Sales Manager for Hungary. Public institutions that haven’t had an experience with buying used software yet are especially prone to be at risk of being scammed, simply because they are not sure which documents they should demand from the participating potential suppliers.

That’s where we come in – thanks to years of experience on the used software market as well as with software licensing, we are able to provide guidance and advice to public institutions on what should and shouldn’t be included in the demands and conditions, so that everything is in full compliance with the law.

The result: huge savings and risk-free purchase

Our free consultations provided to the municipality about used software legality, software licensing and product specifications, proved to be crucial for their understanding of what to watch out for when dealing with used software suppliers. Despite this fact, some things were already out of the municipality’s control due to previously set conditions, which made them worried about the outcome.

As the main criteria was the lowest price for each item, it meant part of the products could potentially be supplied by an unreliable supplier = the other participant who offered used software in the tender. Luckily, it turned out that this company had some issues with unpaid debts, which is unacceptable in a public tender, and was therefore disqualified. This was a big relief for Újpest. It also meant we could deliver all of the software products for the project (we originally won just part of the tender).

"I appreciate that the professionals at Forscope did not take our tender documentation as a done deal, but actually thought about it and were able to give us advice that we can also use in future tenders. Used software from Forscope saved us dozens of thousands of euros that we can now use for other important expenses! Their expertise about legality and the documents they provided assured us we could buy from them again in the future without any worry,” says Attila Kaizer, the IT Department Lead of Újpest Municipality.

Need a consultation for your public procurement for software products?
Do not hesitate to contact us, we will be happy to help!

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  • What our customers say about us

    Forscope provided Microsoft Windows Server and Office products to our administration. We saved 73% in comparison with new software. As a public institution, we are happy that we can use the saved resources for other important expenses.

    Attila Kaizer, IT Department Lead of Újpest Municipality
  • What our customers say about us

    For a long time, our hospital has been steadily striving to save public money by making use of both used hardware and software. Thanks to the cooperation with Forscope we were able to save about 80% of costs in comparison to regular prices. The saved assets can now be used for a highly needed equipment in favor of both our patients and doctors. Forscope employees also helped us with everything regarding legal and licensing matters!

    MUDr. Jozef Tekáč, MPH, General Manager of Poprad Hospital
  • What our customers say about us

    We worked with Forscope regarding the supply of MS Windows Server products for our company. We were considering more options, but then we received information about used software, which offers significant cost savings. Forscope also has many good references, which convinced us that this is a high quality supplier.

    Miroslav Skřítek, IT manager of Czechoslovak Ocean Shipping

Our customers

  • Freyssinet_300x225px.jpg Freyssinet
  • Hell Energy.jpg HELL Energy
  • DPD-logo_300x225px.jpg DPD
  • _0023_Ministerstvo dopravy a výstavby Slovenskej republiky.jpg Ministry of Transport and Construction of the Slovak Republic
  • _0020_Město Jičín.jpg Jičín City
  • _0010_Kosice.jpg Košice City
  • _0008_SAD Poprad.jpg Slovak Bus Transport Poprad
  • _0025_Dopravní podnik města Pardubic.jpg Public Transport Company Pardubice
  • _0018_Ministerstvo investícií, regionálneho rozvoja a informatizácie Slovenskej republiky.jpg Ministry of Investment, Regional Development and Informatization of the Slovak Republic
  • _0016_Ministerstvo životního prostředí.jpg Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic
  • _0017_Ministerstvo zahraničních věcí České republiky.jpg Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic
  • _0023_Hlavné mesto Slovenskej republiky Bratislava.jpg Bratislava City
  • _0001_Budapest Főváros IV. Kerület Újpest Önkormányzat Polgármesteri Hivatala.jpg The Municipality of District 4, Budapest
  • _0003_Vojenská nemocnice Brno.jpg Brno Military Hospital
  • _0024_Fakultná nemocnica Trnava.jpg Trnava University Hospital
  • _0012_Nemocnica Poprad.jpg Poprad Hospital
  • _0000_Dopravní podnik města Brna.jpg Public Transport Company Brno
  • _0007_Slovenské elektrárne.jpg Slovak Electricity Company
  • _0015_Národná diaľničná spoločnosť.jpg National Motorway Company, Slovakia
  • _0022_Letisko M. R. Štefánika.jpg Bratislava Airport

We'll be happy to provide more client references both from the private and public sector upon request.

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